Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bye Bye Fall!


Here we are for another Tablescape Thursday party!! It has been a few weeks for me, so I figured I better get with it!!! I have missed posting my table- so today, I did a few.

Here is a good-bye to my beloved pumpkins!! We had a great fall and Thanksgiving, but we are getting ready for Christmas.

These little pumpkins are toilet paper in disguise that I made last year!

As always, be sure and check out Susan's blog,  Between Naps on the Porch for lots of fun and decorating inspiration!

I would love to know you visited me!!

Just Call Me   N a n a!



Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I can't get your pictures to open. :-(

Jacqueline said...

I came to visit because you only had the little green frog instead of your photo and I have had that happen to me several times. I can't post using Google Chrome or I get that. But now I can't get your pictures to open either. Sorry about that.