Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thinking Thursday

I have really been thinking of real ways to get on a budget, save some money and not be struggling like we have always seemed to do all of our 30 years in married life. I mean, come on, we are going to be grandparents NEXT THURSDAY!! and we barely have a nickel to our name! We can do better! We MUST do better. I have been reading blogs and other internet sites for all kinds of ideas on working a budget without having to really work outside the home any more than what I have been (about 20 hours)- the more I make the more we spend. We have been doing so good with not eating out (special occasions and once a week for my husband) like we used to. My husbands job has been a bit slower, but we have survived.
The more I think, the harder it is- we need this, we need that- ALL things that our beyond our budget. (A new roof, extensive dental work... and now a grandson! these things take a toll on a budget).
I am encouraged though. I figure by January, when I implement our new budget, things are going to be better, I just feel it. God has never forsaken us. We have ALWAYS had what we needed. ALWAYS!
The current thing I am working on is Christmas. Today, I sat down and made a list. I think it is a pretty frugal list, but lo and behold- it is still going to cost more than I care to spend. That's crazy! I could make more than a mortgage payment with that money. It is crazy. We have no business spending that money like that!


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