Monday, March 28, 2011

Singing along!

Well, it is Monday- poor Monday, it has such a bad rep! Anyway, I thought I would share today about my weekend (memories of the weekend make Monday a little better!)First of all on Friday, I worked then went to stay with my sister,Tammy, who lives a little over an hour away. We had a great time! She lives in a rural area, but close enough to big city needs like Publix! Friday, we sat on the back porch had some coffee and went on a good little power walk. A few weeks before, my 2 girls, Mrs. D and Little Mama and I also stayed overnight and we had some enchiladas that I made for dinner. Well, lucky us, we had some enchiladas leftover and that means- No cooking! The enchiladas were even better leftover! (I had the leftover leftovers for lunch on Sunday before I left). We also spent some time figuring out our couponing adventure for the next day by checking out the Publix, CVS and Wal-greens ads. Then we watched some TV and managed to stay awake until 2:30 am. Not bad for some young 50-somethings. (Ok, Tammy, I am the something and you are the 50!) We leisurely woke up the next day- I played around with my new camera- and it is pretty cool. When sleepy-head woke up we had coffee and decided we would enhance our eyes by trying out some falsies- (eyelashes!). We looked amazing!

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