Thursday, April 23, 2009

Holy Water!

(Here is the latest from my Facebook notes- I thought it made a good blog!)

I don't know if too many people actually write about Holy Water, but I am about to. I was reminded how much I love the subject this past Sunday at Mass when Father Malley got me good with the water blessing.(Being a fairly new Catholic, I am not sure that is the technical term- help me here, Catholic friends- you know the part where the priest sprinkles the congregation- walking up and down the aisle?) That might sound unusual to my non-Catholic friends, but this is when the Priest blesses us with the water to remind us of our Baptism. Cool, huh? I think so. I love, love, love walking into church and dipping my fingers in the Holy water to bless myself (and separate myself from the world) and then upon leaving the church, doing the same thing (to help strengthen myself in the world). It isn't just water to me. It is water that is prayed over and is a great tool when you need a little prayer umpf in a situation.

Let me tell you about a "situation". In September 2005, I was a very new Catholic and had put the Holy Water founts by my doors (they are still there , but the Holy water dries up faster than I can remember to replace it), but I hadn't "used" Holy water in my every day living or anything, but I did have a couple bottles of it in the cabinet. On this particular day, I was preparing to drive about 2 1/2 hours to a soccer game. (Yes, I am a former soccer mom!) I was dreading it. I don't like driving that much. I also was driving my 2 friends' 3 boys as well. I felt very compelled to sprinkle Holy water on the car- I hadn't ever done anything like that before. But it sure felt great and comforting. We got the carpool going and we were on I-4 heading towards Orlando, when I heard the loudest BOOM and crashing of glass in my life. I suspect the reason it was so loud was because it was my rear window! I looked in the rear view mirror, thinking that I had been hit from behind. That wasn't the case- in trying to figure out what happened I saw a roof truss on the road. You know, those weird obtuse triangle shaped wood mini "structures".Yes, part of a future house had fallen off this huge lumber truck right into my rear window. Glass went everywhere, in my friend's son's head to be exact- not bad, just a little blood, but still! A policeman happened to be on the way with an arrested individual- he checked on us, but had to be on his way- he and the trooper that came along a few minutes later, both assured us that "it could have been worse". Much worse. Much, much worse. One of my passengers said, "good call on the Holy water, Mrs. Tipton". Good call indeed!

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