Monday, November 23, 2009

Food, food and more food!!

Let me tell ya- it is nice having a full, and I do mean FULL freezer. How many people live in this house? Well, now I have enough for a small army. Why do I have so much food even though there are only 3 of us here now? About 3 or 4 years ago, I began a slow journey of trying to eat better. (Always had an interest in natural, organic food but-- I am really a junk food junkie at heart). Anyways, I got involved in several co-ops and it just so happens that chicken, beef and turkey co-ops were in the last few days. (Who would have thought that making your own bread would lead to all this?) We never know when an order is going in, so I buy as much as I can. ((Just one turkey for Thanksgiving). So, I bought 30 lbs of natural chicken breast, 5 whole chickens and at the last minute we got a deal on whole roasters $1.05 a lb!! I got 8 more). The beef order (grass fed fairly local) I had originally passed up, but someone backed out of the order and I took their part 1/4 of a small cow- about $4.00 a lb. So, I am stocked! It is nice to know I don't have to worry about food for awhile- just electricity!! Now, I am going to concentrate on stocking up on other things- I just think it is a good idea to get the best price on things that you use constantly. Another challenge- I have to really, really get better at menu planning and not being lazy about cooking!! I sometimes just get so tired of cooking and cleaning up (no dishwasher) but hubby has been helping me a little more- love the no dishes in the sink action, and let's face it- nothing is better than waking up to a clean kitchen- so that keeps me going and really- it doesn't take that long when you think about it. After picking up my turkey at my friend, Chris' house (she is the super duper co-op queen! Thanks, for all the hard work, Chris!) I stopped at Publix for my husband and decided to go ahead and get my Thanksgiving stuff. I really don't feel like spending any more money on food for a looonnngg time!

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