Monday, October 27, 2008

So much to write about so little time!

Ok, I have done it- I started another blog! I really want to keep one going. I mean, I don't know who in the world would ever care about reading it, but, hey, I enjoy reading others', so who could know? There are some very clever and talented people out there blogging and sharing with strangers out there in the world.

Maybe you even read my profile? Anyway, I kinda like the way some people have a different type blog for each day (Frugal Fridays, Sewing Saturday you get the drift). Well, today is Monday- what in the world could I call my blog on Mondays? How about Must-do Monday? I don't know-well for today we will give it a try.

MUST DO Mondays
- I don't mind Mondays- I don't work on Mondays anymore, so I do usually have a list of things I MUST DO! This Monday, my mind is kinda on getting some good cleaning done before I go into Grandma mode in a couple of weeks. So today, I did a lot of laundry, detail cleaned my bathroom, put dishes away, cleaned out my main frig (not the garage one today), went to work to get my paycheck- I work part-time at a restaurant, so I had a salad (which in my recent quest to be really frugal and spend very little, was a good deal- I get a 20% discount and free beverage, so $2.40 for a good sized salad isn't bad and I was starving!) I went to the bank, buzzed through my fav thrift store (more about that on Tightwad Tuesday!) and then to my new favorite discount grocery, Aldis which just opened a month ago to my delight!
I made BBQ Beef sandwiches out of some leftover pot roast, making the BBQ sauce from the recipe in Nourishing Traditions. Pretty good, I must say!!

Only 3 weeks and 3 days (or less!) until Grammy time!!

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