When my kids were school aged, we homeschooled them and as time went on we hooked up with a Catholic homeschool group (at the time we were Protestants)and to make a long story short (but maybe more on the blog at a different time), I became interested in the Catholic faith and here I am, a very happy Mass going, rosary carrying, statue of Mary in my yard Catholic for 8 years now! Well, even though I have an empty nest again, I still stay in contact with my homeschool group. So tonight we had Mom's Night Out and had a great time. I wasn't the only Alumni, there were a few other Nanas in attendance. Some are both Nanas and
still homeschooling younger children. There were a few ladies joining us that I had never met, but a little sangria makes fast friends. One it turns out, goes to my Parish and attends the same Mass I do. It is always nice to get together with these ladies. As I was listening to some of the homeschooling/kid raising stories, I stradled the fence of sometimes wishing I could go back in time to do all my child raising again and of YAY! I am an emptynester! Is that bad? I guess it is the fact that raising children is a LOT harder than smothering the grands with kisses and handing them back to their Mommy. What is that saying? "If I knew grandkids were this much fun, I would have had them first?" Yeah, that is it!
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